Care hub

Caregivers' Centralized Client Management Tool.


UX/UI Designer





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Are you a caregiver facing challenges managing your clients' complex medical histories and ongoing health concerns that require careful tracking and management?

Care Hub is designed to help people like you! 🎉

Project Overview

Care Hub is a user-friendly and comprehensive caregiver management tool that enables caregivers to manage their clients' medical information, track medication schedules, manage doctor appointments, and document health histories.


From research to final prototype in 4 weeks.


Caregivers, both professional and familial, play a crucial role in managing the health and well-being of their clients.

Caregivers face numerous challenges in their daily responsibilities, including:

  • Difficulty in maintaining up-to-date medical records and medication schedules.

  • Challenges in providing accurate and detailed medical information during emergencies.

  • Managing multiple tasks, appointments, and clients without a centralized system.

Existing tools for caregivers are fragmented and lack the comprehensive features needed to efficiently manage and relay detailed medical information.

This project aims to address these gaps by developing Care Hub.

Caregivers, both professional and familial, play a crucial role in managing the health and well-being of their clients.

Caregivers face numerous challenges in their daily responsibilities, including:

  • Difficulty in maintaining up-to-date medical records and medication schedules.

  • Challenges in providing accurate and detailed medical information during emergencies.

  • Managing multiple tasks, appointments, and clients without a centralized system.

Existing tools for caregivers are fragmented and lack the comprehensive features needed to efficiently manage and relay detailed medical information.

This project aims to address these gaps by developing Care Hub.

Caregivers, both professional and familial, play a crucial role in managing the health and well-being of their clients.

Caregivers face numerous challenges in their daily responsibilities, including:

  • Difficulty in maintaining up-to-date medical records and medication schedules.

  • Challenges in providing accurate and detailed medical information during emergencies.

  • Managing multiple tasks, appointments, and clients without a centralized system.

Existing tools for caregivers are fragmented and lack the comprehensive features needed to efficiently manage and relay detailed medical information.

This project aims to address these gaps by developing Care Hub.


This category details the step-by-step approach taken during the project.

Stage 1: Empathize

Conducted market research to identify existing time and task managing challenges and user preferences. Research methods included user interviews, competitive analysis, and user personas.

Stage 2: Define

Clearly articulate the problem to be solved and the goals of the project.

Stage 3: Ideate

Generate ideas and solutions to address the identified problems and needs.

Stage 4: Prototype

Create wireframes and prototypes to visualize the solution and gather initial feedback.

Stage 5: Test

Evaluate the usability and effectiveness of the prototype with real users.


We need to understand the needs, daily challenges, and behaviors of caregivers who manage the health and well-being of their clients.

Problem Statement

How might we design a tool for caregivers with a centralized platform to streamline their responsibilities and ensure accurate, timely information is always accessible?

Research Objectives

Understand the needs and behaviors of caregivers by:

  • Explore the typical day-to-day activities and responsibilities of both professional and familial caregivers.

  • Identify key pain points and challenges they encounter in managing their clients' health information, medication schedules, and appointments.

  • Identify the tools, apps, and methods caregivers currently use to manage their clients’ care.

  • Determine the specific types of client information that caregivers need to access frequently.

User Goals

  • Caregivers need a tool that is intuitive and easy to navigate. Minimizing the learning curve and allowing users to quickly perform their tasks without frustration.

  • Users need assurance that their clients' sensitive medical information is secure and private.

  • Caregivers need a centralized system for managing tasks and appointments.

  • Caregivers require immediate access to critical information, especially in emergency situations.

  • Timely and accurate alerts are crucial for managing medication schedules, appointments, and daily care tasks.

Business Goals

  • Design a easy to use system to ensure high user satisfaction and retention is crucial for sustained revenue growth.

  • The tool must comply with relevant healthcare regulations and standards (e.g., HIPAA in the United States) to ensure the privacy and security of client data. Compliance not only protects the business from legal issues but also builds trust with users.

  • Build a strong, trustworthy brand is essential. This can be achieved by consistently delivering a reliable, user-friendly tool that meets caregivers' needs.

  • To remain competitive in the market.

User Interviews

Conducted interviews with a diverse group of participants, representing a mix of professional and familial caregivers with varying levels of experience.

Key Findings: Current Practices and Tools are

  • Primary Tasks: Daily living assistance, medication management, medical care, companionship, and therapy schedules.

  • Tools Used: Combination of paper records, basic apps, and electronic health record systems.

  • Pain Points: Current tools are effective but inefficient, with the manual effort required to keep everything updated.

Competitive Analysis

This analysis provides insights into market gaps and informs the design and development of CareHub, ensuring it meets caregivers' needs more effectively than current solutions.

The competitive analysis highlights significant gaps and opportunities in the current market that CareHub can leverage.

By offering an integrated tool that combines multiple functionalities to efficiently manage and relay details medical information, CareHub is poised to address the unmet needs of caregivers, providing them with the tools they need to manage their responsibilities more effectively and efficiently.

User Personas

Creating user personas helped to guide my ideation processes, and they helped to highlight the goals and pains of caregivers' daily responsibility.

Affinity Map

Key Findings:

Caregivers face significant challenges in managing their clients' medical information:

To address these needs, the proposed caregiver management tool should focus on

  • tracking medication schedules

  • handling doctor appointments

  • documenting health histories

Their current practices often involve a combination of paper records, basic apps, and electronic health record systems, which are somewhat effective but inefficient.

Common pain points include:

  • difficulty of maintaining up-to-date records

  • slow access to critical medical information during emergencies

  • managing multiple tasks without a centralized system, leading to errors and scheduling conflicts

User goals of caregivers are to have:

  • A comprehensive, user-friendly tool that centralizes client profiles, medication tracking, health histories, and appointment management.

  • Essential features include quick access to emergency information, reminders and alerts for medication and appointments, and a clean, intuitive interface accessible across both mobile and desktop platforms.

  • Integration with healthcare systems, robust security for sensitive information, and features for support and progress tracking.

To address these needs, the proposed caregiver management tool should focus on:

  • Creating an intuitive interface that consolidates all caregiving tasks into a single platform.

  • Implementing streamlined information management, quick access to critical data, and a centralized system for task management will significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy.

  • The tool should include important features such as client profiles, medication tracking, health history, health record storage, appointment management, and task reminders.

  • Additionally, integrating with existing healthcare systems, ensuring data security, and providing continuous user feedback mechanisms will ensure the tool evolves to meet caregivers' needs effectively.


Create user flows, wireframes, and prototypes to visualize the solution and gather initial feedback from user testing.

User Flow

Objective: This flow is designed to be intuitive, minimizing the potential for errors and ensuring that caregivers can efficiently manage their clients' medication schedules.

Users, primarily caregivers, are trying to achieve the following:

  • Add a new medication to a client’s profile, including dosage, frequency, and any specific instructions.

  • Set up reminders to ensure the medication is taken at the right times.

  • Ensure the client’s medication information is accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible for future reference.

This flow is critical for the overall user experience because managing medications is one of the most important and frequent tasks that caregivers perform. An efficient, clear, and error-free process for setting up medication and reminders directly impacts the quality of care provided. It reduces the risk of missed doses or incorrect administration, which is crucial for maintaining the health and safety of clients. A well-designed flow also enhances the caregiver's confidence and satisfaction with the tool, leading to better user engagement and adoption.

The end goal is to successfully add the medication to the client’s profile with the correct reminders in place. This ensures the caregiver will be notified at the appropriate times, leading to better adherence to the client’s medication schedule. The user exits the flow with the satisfaction of knowing the client's medication is properly managed, with reminders set to help prevent any missed doses.

Lo-fi Wireframes

Objective: We created lo-fi wireframes for brainstorming, testing initial ideas, and focusing on structure and flow rather than visual details.

From the competitive analysis and user interviews, we acknowledged:

  • Users prefer a modern and high contrast interface layout.

  • Users would like to streamline the steps it takes to add a medication, and prefer to see everything they need in a glance.

Logo Design

Logo Description: A network of different sizes of nodes in a triangular arrangement, symbolizing the central hub and interconnected care elements.

Color Choice: Blue, pink, and green to convey love, health, connection, and trust.

UI Kit - Iconography

UI kit - Selectors

UI kit - Cards

Hi-fi Wireframes

Key Features

  • Centralized Client Profiles (Client Profile and Client Management): Provides a single location for storing and accessing detailed client information, including personal details, medical history, current medications, allergies, and emergency contacts.

  • Medication Management: Allows caregivers to schedule, track, and receive alerts for medication administration, including dosage and frequency.

  • Schedule: Enables caregivers to manage and track doctor appointments, including setting reminders and tracking appointment history.

  • Client Management
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  • Schedule
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  • Client Profile
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  • Medication Management
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  • Client Management
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  • Schedule
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  • Client Profile
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  • Medication Management
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Usability Test

Evaluate the usability and functionality of the medication management features in the Care Hub app.

This includes testing the processes of adding a new medication to the client's active medication list.


5 participants, aged between 25 and 50. 

  • 2 professional caregivers and 3 family caregivers.

  • 2 participants used a similar medication reminder app.

  • 3 participants used a similar task management mobile app.

  • 2 participants have never used a mobile app to manage client information, medication, appointments, and tasks.

  • Tech-Savviness: 3 participants are tech-savvy and 2 are less tech-savvy.

Task Flows

  • Task Flow 1: Navigate to the “Add a New Medication” section, and continue to search for the medication “Mupirocin”.

  • Task Flow 2: Search for the medication “Mupirocin” and continue to enter medication details for John Smith.

  • Task Flow 3: Follow the instructions, enter medication details (Schedule and Dosage; Set Reminders; Treatment Duration), and add the medication to John Smith’s active medication list.


  • Success rate: 100%

  • Error Rate: Only 1 error each participant

Insights and Improvements

  1. None of the participants realize they have the option to scan the medication.

  2. 4 out of the 5 participants read the text while setting up a starting medication date.

  3. 4 out of the 5 participants were expected to select both dates (medication start and end dates) without going to a new screen. 

  4. Users mentioned it was frustrating to click through the numbers to select treatment duration.

  • before Iteration #1

    Users were frustrated having too many steps.

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  • after Iteration #1

    This change merges “Schedule and Dosage” with “Set Reminders” into a single step, this saves time for the users.

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  • before Iteration #2

    Users were confused about using the calendar as they expected to select both dates (medication start and end dates) without having to go to a new screen.

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  • before Iteration #1

    Users were frustrated having too many steps.

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  • after Iteration #1

    This change merges “Schedule and Dosage” with “Set Reminders” into a single step, this saves time for the users.

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  • before Iteration #2

    Users were confused about using the calendar as they expected to select both dates (medication start and end dates) without having to go to a new screen.

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Final Design - Add a Medication Feature


The CareHub UX/UI design project has successfully created a tool that addresses the critical needs of caregivers, combining functionality, ease of use, and comprehensive management capabilities.

By focusing on the real-world challenges faced by caregivers and leveraging user feedback, CareHub stands out as a powerful and essential tool in the caregiving landscape.

This project not only demonstrates the importance of a user-centric design approach but also highlights the potential of technology to significantly improve the quality of care provided to those in need.

© 2024 – Hailey Jiang

© 2024 – Hailey Jiang

© 2024 – Hailey Jiang